The Volume filter allows you to fiter cryptocurrencies that are more or less that your specified volume amount. This allows you to remove low volume cryptocurrencies from your search, or look for new low volume opportunities. You can adjust the timeframe, the amount of candles, the minimum volume, and the maximum volume.
The timeframe of the volume candles. If set to 1 minute, the volume will be calculated using 1 minute candles.
The amount of candles to look over. If you wanted to look at the past three hours, you would set this to three and the timeframe to hour.
Minimum Volume
The minimum volume of the asset. For example, if you put 1000, the screener will only return cryptocurrencies with a volume greater than 1000 (over your specified time range).
Maximum Volume
The maximum volume of the asset. For example, if you put 1000000, the screener will only return cryptocurrencies with a volume less than 1000000 (over your specified time range).