Moving Average

The Moving Average filter allows you to compare the price of cryptocurrencies to their moving averages. You can adjust the timeframe, the length, the condition (price above or below moving average), and an optional percentage threshold.


The timeframe of the moving average. If set to 1 minute, the moving average will use 1 minute candles in its calculation.


The length of the moving average, or how many candles are included in the calculation. A moving average is simply the average price of an asset over a specified number of candles.


There are two possible options for the condition of the moving average filter: above and below. "Above" means that the price is above the moving average, and "below" means that it is below the moving average.

Within %

The maximum percentage away from the moving average the asset’s price can be. For example, if you put 2%, the screener will only return cryptocurrencies within 2% of the provided moving average. This is an optional field.