
The High/Low filter allows you to compare the current price of an asset to its highest price over your specified time. You can adjust the timeframe, the candles, the condition (price from its high or price from its low), and an optional minimum and maximum percent.


The timeframe of the candles to look over. If you want to compare the price to its high/low over the past 3 hours, you would set this to 1h (and input three candles in the Candles parameter).


The amount of candles to look over. If you want to look at the past three hours, you would set this to three (assuming the timeframe is set to 1h).


There are two possible options for the condition of the High/Low filter: from high and from low. "From high" means you are comparing the price to its high over your specified time, and "from low" means you are comparing the price to its low.

Min % and Max %

The minimum and maximum percentage difference between the current price and its high/low over your specified time. For example, to find cryptocurrencies that are at least 5% off their high/low and at most 10% off, you would set Min % to 5 and Max % to 10. These parameters are optional, but at least one must be provided.